This is a small sample of the amount of work I've done on the project, but illustrates many things concept artists should be thinking about when working on a game.
The Village

Barisov's Tower

This was a bit of a bummer for me when the idea to start you out in something like an abandoned LOST Dharma station, and while exploring you come across a control center that has a recording dedicating the station and you would realize you're in an alternate world. The world is over thrown by the USSR and science has taken a great leap based upon research of E-99.

Storyboarding: I provided storyboards for many of the projects I worked on. Coming from comics, it seemed like a natural fit and I really enjoyed telling the story of our games and helping breath life into the characters.

Storyboarding: Katya Ending

Storyboarding: Alternate Ending

Uber-TMD the Dam